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events. . .

Election Results-- Dave Wins!

The votes have been tallied and Dave Mandelkern was elected to a four-year term on the San Mateo County Community College District Board of Trustees. . .
Complete election results. . .

San Mateo County Times Endorses Dave!

The San Mateo County Times has endorsed Dave for the Community College District Board, saying that he "impressed The Times with his crisp, businesslike, professional approach. . ."
Read the full endorsement editorial. . .

Read the Latest Newspaper Endorsements. . .

Dave's candidacy has also been endorsed by two of San Mateo County's leading newspapers: The Country Almanac and The San Francisco Examiner/Independent Newspaper Group. Click on each link to read their full endorsement articles.



What Local Leaders are Saying About Dave Mandelkern

Congresswoman Anna Eshoo: "Providing quality public education is one of the most important duties of government. Dave Mandelkern has the educational experience and fiscal expertise to ensure that the San Mateo County community colleges thrive. That's why I urge you to vote for Dave on November 4th."

State Senator Jackie Speier: "Dave Mandelkern is an accomplished high tech entrepreneur who wants to give back to the community. He will work hard to ensure that quality educational offerings for our community college students are accessible and affordable to all, and he will use his business skills to make sure that the District administrative functions are run efficiently. This is why I encourage you to vote for Dave for the College Board"

Assemblyman Gene Mullin: "Dave Mandelkern has proven that he can make the legislative process work for the benefit of our community colleges. That's why I urge you to vote for him."

Ted Lempert, Trustee, San Mateo County Board of Education; CEO, EdVoice; Member, California State Assembly (retired): "Dave Mandelkern has the right combination of educational expertise, business experience, and political savvy to make an outstanding contribution on the Community College Board. That's why I urge you to join me in supporting him."

Richard Holober, Trustee, San Mateo County Community College District: "Dave Mandelkern would be a great addition to our board. That's why I urge you to vote for him."

Marilyn Loushin-Miller, District Superintendent, Hillsborough City School District: "I worked with Dave Mandelkern on the San Mateo County Office of Education Internet Task Force to make sure that our children would have access to appropriate technology in the classroom in a well thought-out manner. I know Dave is a thoughtful person, one who will bring many talents to his role as a Community College Trustee."

(c) 2003 Dave Mandelkern; All Rights Reserved